Upholstery Cleaning

Indulge in the luxury of refreshed and rejuvenated upholstery with our specialized Upholstery Cleaning services. Our dedicated team is committed to bringing new life to your furniture, ensuring a clean, comfortable, and inviting living space. Our comprehensive upholstery cleaning package includes:

1. Fabric Assessment:

Our process begins with a detailed assessment of your upholstery fabric. We identify the fabric type, stains, and any specific cleaning needs to tailor our approach for optimal results.

2. Pre-Vacuuming:

We start by thoroughly vacuuming your upholstery to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris, preparing the fabric for the deep cleaning process.

3. Pre-Treatment:

Addressing stubborn stains and spots, we apply a pre-treatment solution to break down and lift dirt, oils, and residues, ensuring a more effective and thorough cleaning.

4. Hot Water Extraction :

Experience the power of hot water extraction. Our advanced  cleaning method uses hot water and eco-friendly cleaning agents to penetrate deep into the upholstery fibers, extracting dirt, allergens, and odors.

5. Stain and Spot Removal:

Our expert technicians target and treat specific stains and spots, ensuring a comprehensive removal process and leaving your upholstery looking revitalized.

6. Odor Neutralization:

Our upholstery cleaning service includes the neutralization of unwanted odors. We use specialized products to eliminate odors at their source, leaving your furniture smelling fresh and inviting.

7. Fabric Grooming:

To enhance the appearance and texture of your upholstery, we groom the fabric, ensuring it is evenly distributed and looking its best. This step contributes to a more uniform and appealing surface.

8. Eco-Friendly Practices:

We prioritize your well-being and the environment. Our upholstery cleaning services embrace eco-friendly practices, using cleaning agents that are safe for your family and pets while promoting sustainable cleaning practices.